Speaker & Coach - Advancing
Mental Health in the Workplace
Advocate for Healthy Organizations

Partnering with workplaces to foster mental health for all.

I work to advance mental health in the workplace. I have a vision that workplaces will become a critical part of the solution to our mental health crisis instead of part of the cause. Mental health is good for the employee, good for leadership, good for the organization and good for society. 
Let’s transform workplaces into spaces of growth, balance, and innovation.

Workplace Benchmarks for You & Your Organization

The Problem with Work

Gallup State of the Global Workforce 2024



Actively Disengaged




You & Your Employees Matter and...

You already matter and make an impact. And like most of us, you are better with the support of others. 

Clients come to me for various reasons, such as:
- Feeling burned out & wanting to change the work environment
- Uncertain how to lead effectively & with compassion
- Being held back by others' expectations
- Feeling trapped in a joyless job

... We Can Make You an Employer of Choice!

I offer solutions to build mental health, reduce staff turnover, and increase productivity and engagement.

Common challenges I address include:
- Supporting staff through company changes
- Meeting the needs of staff health & engagement
- Enhancing employee/customer surveys
- Designing mentoring & coaching programs that work

Solving the Problem with Character Strengths 

Relationship of Worker Flourishing & Strengths

Hone, L. C., et. al. (2015). Flourishing in NZ workers. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine, 

with strengths awareness

 with strengths use 

With strengths coaching

Knowing When to Lead & When to Be Led 

It's easier than you think

 Step 1 - Start with You

You are exceptional. So am I. 
You have powers you may not recognize. You can choose who you want to be in the world. Coaching & mentoring can help you see the possibilities!
Reveal how you lead best and how you contribute the most when you are led.

1. Self-awareness Identify what matters most to YOU

Together we will identify the values that drive you, the strengths that advance you and create a toolbox of resources to make each day better than the last. 

2. Identify what makes you special - your strengths

Revamp habits and beliefs that no longer serve you. Uncover the habits & resources that already propel you forward, while building your pathway to thriving. 

3. Align who you are & who you want to be

Self-development a dynamic dance. Work with me and my team to see new perspectives, to uncover what makes your life path  shine brightly.

Step 2 - Then Look Outwards

In a team of 10 people there are at least 11 entities. 
What makes the team tick today may not make it tick tomorrow. Every team faces unique challenges. Those challenges can become opportunities. You just need to tap into the wisdom of the team. 
We can help

1. Identify what matters across the team

Priorities for the team are not just the sum of the individuals' priorities. When we come together as a group, new priorities emerge that did not exist in the individuals. 

2. Identify what makes your people strong

A team blends the strengths - and weaknesses- of its members into something no individual can be on their own. By identifying the strengths of the individuals and how they interact, the leader and the team become more effective, more productive, and more engaged. 

3. Define how you as a team want to work

Together we answer questions such as: What does each individual need from the group and from the leader?
What does the leader need from themselves and others?
What does the team offer have that none of the individuals can accomplish alone?
From this we start to create rules of engagement.

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